As well as carrying out high quality routine dental work, we are able to diagnose and treat many of the more complicated dental conditions seen in horses. Our practice is well equipped with the latest dental equipment including a digital dental oroscope. Such conditions and procedures include diastemata and extractions of diseased cheek teeth (diastemata are gaps between the teeth which accumulate rotting food material and lead to gum disease, loosening of teeth and tooth root problems).
More advanced treatments can also be offered at one of our practice sites by our visiting equine dental specialists Chris Pearce CertEM(IntMed) CertES(SoftTissue) BAEDT MRCVS and Henry Tremaine BVetMed MPhil CertES(Soft Tissue) DipEVCS DipEVDC FHEA FRCVS of B&W.
These treatments include:
- Endodontic therapies
- Cheek teeth restorations
- Complicated extractions
- CT (Computed Tomography) scans of the head at B&W Hospital; CT is a sophisticated imaging technique that uses a rotating X-ray machine to produce high resolution, cross-sectional images of a body part.